Healthcare reform intends to direct thirty million underinsured patients into a primary care system that is already overwhelmed. If you, as a patient, intend to seek care from an independent primary care physician it is time to reinforce your relationship.
"Ideal Qualities of the Independent Physician"
Accessibility - Patients should have an appointment to see their physician within 24 hours
Ability to follow patients even when hospitalized and to coordinate "hospitalists"
Selective referral to physicians who are ware that your doctor will be following your outcomes, whether in inpatient or outpatient care
Sensitivity and disclosure relating to approximate radiation exposure associated with diagnostic testing
Availability to open, candid discussion relating to choice of supplements and diet
Baseline physical examination within the guidlines of insurance coverage
Disease management focused on early diagnosis and preemptive screening
Unique long term care and rehabilitation information. Again, the physician follows the patient's progress.